Check out time in 11:00.
Late Checkout: Staying up to 4 hours beyond checkout time can be arranged at an additional cost of 50% of the applicable room rate.
Booking and Cancellation Policy:
Bookings made in advance of date of arrival shall need to be accompanied by an advance payment equivalent to one night’s accommodation expense, paid in TZ Shillings, US Dollars, or Euros. Upon cancellation of such bookings, the advance payment will only be refunded partially and according to the following terms:
Reservations are held until 18:00 unless guaranteed by advance payment or otherwise agreed.
Advance payment can be made by transfer through mobile phone numbers indicated in the table below.
Security: guests are advised to deposit their valuables at the Reception. Arc Hotel is not responsible for lost valuables which are not kept in the hotel’s safe.
Parking Grounds are under camera surveillance, but Parking is at the vehicle owner’s responsibility.
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